


Throughout his scientific career, Julian has been investigating the human and mouse genomes.

In his research, he uses molecular biology, genomics, and bioinformatic tools to explore how damage to the genome causes genetic conditions such as infertility and cancer.



the Genome

Credit Nathan Anderson

Cells that are destined to become sperm or eggs break their genome into hundreds of pieces. The DNA is repaired most of the time.

The Y

Human X and Y chromosomes

The Y chromosome contains many palindromic sequences. These sequences are an Achilles' heel in how genes there are maintained.


Credit National Cancer Institute

Rhabdoid tumors of the brain and kidney occur mainly in young children. A gene on chromosome 22 is frequently mutated.



A primer on genomes, chromosomes, and genes

The genome is a book that guides molecular processes.

These metaphorical books are divided into chapters, called chromosomes.

Each human chromosome is made up of millions of letters. Within these sequences are small letter clusters known as genes, which spell out the code for specific proteins, the workhorses of molecular functions.

Mutations within or near these clusters can cause cellular malfunction.

For an explanation of the CRISPR genome editing technique, please view this video.